Multiple domains on IIS 7.5

a small update to this.
i now have a windows 2012 server in a test environment.
IIS8 has been set up with 8 “sites”, but in this instance they are all the same domain but set up as individual sub-domain sites.

this now gives me the “require server name identification” field that can be enabled on each site.
at the moment all the sites have this disabled and they are configured solely for HTTP on port 80.

so is my next step to enable SNI on each of the sites?
do i need to add an HTTPS binding to any of them?

SNI is an extension to the TLS protocol. So activating SNI without using https has no effect.

Indeed, but it’ll still be 1 IP with multiple SSL sites, so unless iis8 now lets me add Https bindings to all the sites I’ll still have the same issues?

With Windows 2012 you can do it. One Website, a lot of https - bindings with host name and SNI - box checked. And the same or different certificates.

I have one website (IIS-logic):

http *:80 - empty host name - catches the complete http-traffic, redirect to https
https: *:443 - empty host name - certificate * + -> works without SNI, all subdomains
https: *:443 - hostname own-main-domain, SNI checked - certificate +

and some additional customer domains

https: *:443 - customer-domainname, SNI checked - certificate www.customer-domainname + customer-domainname

With Windows 2008, I had only the first binding, all customer-domainnames without a certificate and http-traffic.

Now it's completely https, http only used to redirect.

Yes, IIS 8 will allow you to add HTTPS bindings to individual Web Sites, whereas the IIS 7 you were using before only allowed you to add HTTPS bindings to IP addresses.

Note that Let's Encrypt clients for Windows like Certify and win-acme will automatically configure the binding for you based on your domain name when you request a certificate, so you usually don't need to configure this manually.

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even if there is more than 1 domain name?
this test server only has 1 domain (albeit several sub-domains of the same domain).
but the end result will be a server with several different top-level domains (with sub-domains of some of them).

this sounds like what i intend to achieve as an end result.
2 or 3 domain names (with some of those with additional sub-domains).

Yes, as long as the IIS version you're using supports it.

What kind of domain it is isn't really relevant to this part of things. You need a Web Site in IIS and a certificate for it either way.

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