I need to move a letsencrypt certificate from a cpanel server to non-cpanel server and am not quite sure what to do with a few parts.
The new server is dedicated and I have complete access to, it is already running a separate letscencrypt cert for a different domain, so certbot is all setup and running great. (Ubuntu 20.x/Apache)
The site/cert I need to move to this new server is on a Cpanel/Hostgator shared server, and it also has a letsencrypt cert. I was able to copy the actual cert .pem files to /archive/domain-name directory (cert1, cert2, etc) as well as the private keys. I am not sure where to get the chainX.pem and fullchainX.pem files, or what to use here or ....
I've moved plenty of sites/certs from server to server without any issues, but never from a Cpanel/letsencrypt setup - I do have access to the WHM manager also. I do not have access to DNS for these domains as these are sub-domains for a client, they are a large company so I can get them to change the A record when I switch over but it may be difficult to add other records.
Probably not the best implementation of your idea.
It is best to leave everything within the /etc/letsencrypt/ folders to certbot to handle.
Moving into a new server withoutcertbot would be very simple = copy the entire folder.
But since you already have existing files... it requires a merger.
[which isn't a simple process]
If you are talking about a single FQDN, then I would:
just place the cert & key in a newly created temp folder
configure the web service to use that cert
Then once it has been moved over:
have certbot actually obtain a new cert for it (with certonly)
[yes new, certbot knows nothing about the temp cert in use, so this is not a renewal to it (yet)]
configure the web server to use the new cert
delete the temp folder and old(er) cert
revise the new renewal.conf file as needed, if needed.
[Why? certonly doesn't add in any extra details that you might require]
If there are many FQDNs, then... reply back with that.