Mismatch Cert on Unifi Cloud Key

Hi Let’s Encrypt Forum,

After installing my Let’s Encrypt Cert my server has a mismatch certificate error:

Internal to my network:

  • When I resolve to https:\xxxx.duckdns.org I can see my SSL cert in my the browser.
  • When I enter in the local (https) IP address of the UCK the browser list the UI self-signed cert.

External to my network:

  • When I resolve to https:\xxxx.duckdns.org I can see the SSL cert in my browser.

When I run a SSL test from DigiCert on my FQDN of xxxx.duckdns.org in my browser external to my network I receive the following results:

Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 4.25.31 PM

It appears UI’s self-signed cert in the root has a conflict with the SSL cert i.e. mismatch.

What is the proper method to remove the UI self-signed cert?

Thank you

the challenge here is that when you reach your server the hostname will be

xxxx.duckdns.org (not your domain.x)

You shouldn’t be able to issue certificates for duckdns.org as it’s a public service

Have a look at this article https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ktCq7U7--c

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