We used PKISharp/win-acme Client in order to create the SSL certificates.
We want to migrate our websites from Win Server 2008R2 to Server 2019.
I understand how this works on linux systems but not on windows server.
What ist the best way to migrate the certificates from Server 2008R2 to Server 2019?
Or do we have to create new certificates (with win-acme) on the new server?
I tried to do that but it is not possible to export the private key and (in the next step) to choose PFX-format. Only CER or P7B is offered. How do I get PFX-Files?
client specific. A client can create a .pfx file, import it. Then the pfx file is deleted -> you have to export the certificate. Or the pfx file exists -> you can use it.
If the certificate isn't imported with the "exportable" flag, you can't export it with the private key.
Check the documentation of your client:
Option, that the pfx file is saved, not deleted.
Option to import a certificate, so it's exportable.