Right now for letsencrypt client for non-standard Nginx configurations, I am using manual authenticator mode and need to manually create that ACME challenge file in my nginx vhost’s public web root. Full example posted at https://community.centminmod.com/posts/17774/
Also for passing the webroot via the command line it would help for those sites that have non-standard web roots i.e. frameworks like Laravel would likely have their /path/to/projectname/public as their web root. WHM/Cpanel, Directadmin, Webmin etc all would have their own web root paths.
If you can pass this as a variable in Letsencrypt client probably be easier for respective control panels and distros to come up with their own integration methods ?
Bloodly awesome ! @schoen definitely something to merge in !
./venv/bin/letsencrypt -a simplefs --simplefs-root /home/nginx/domains/le4.http2ssl.xyz/public --text --agree-eula -d le4.http2ssl.xyz auth
So fully automating non-standard Ubuntu Apache/Nginx setups provided they already have the ssl vhost and web root for their respective domains setup prior !
so all I need to run is a few commands to obtain SSL certificates via Letsencrypt passing my custom web root /home/nginx/domains/le4.http2ssl.xyz/public to the client
nv -d le4.http2ssl.xyz -s y -u FTPusername
./venv/bin/letsencrypt -a simplefs --simplefs-root /home/nginx/domains/le4.http2ssl.xyz/public --text --agree-eula -d le4.http2ssl.xyz auth
sed -i 's|\/usr\/local\/nginx\/conf\/ssl\/le4.http2ssl.xyz\/le4.http2ssl.xyz.crt|\/etc\/letsencrypt\/live\/le4.http2ssl.xyz\/fullchain.pem|' /usr/local/nginx/conf/conf.d/le4.http2ssl.xyz.ssl.conf
sed -i 's|\/usr\/local\/nginx\/conf\/ssl\/le4.http2ssl.xyz\/le4.http2ssl.xyz.key|\/etc\/letsencrypt\/live\/le4.http2ssl.xyz\/privkey.pem|' /usr/local/nginx/conf/conf.d/le4.http2ssl.xyz.ssl.conf
So essentially all other control panels would only need to be able to generate their respective site’s SSL vhost for their web servers and auto generate self-signed ssl all prior to running the letsencrypt client in simplefs mode and pass their respective web root paths to the client to get SSL certificates. And then automate the switching of paths to letsencrypt’s SSL certificate and private key paths.