Limits and subdomains

My domain is:

We want to create a lot of domains like {domain}
I’ve read that Let’s Encrypt limit is Certificates per Registered Domain (50 per week).

What is a registered domain in our case? Is it means that we can use let’s encrypt only for 50 domain like {domain} per week?

The Registered Domain in your case is / And yes, it means you can only get 50 certificates per week for new subdomains (excluding renewals).

If you are creating some sort of hosting platform using your * domain, then you may apply for a rate limit exemption based on that domain and/or your ACME account.

You can find the link to apply for an exemption on this page: . It usually takes a few weeks to get a response.

You can also just try using a single wildcard certificate for *, and using that to protect all of your domains.


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