Limit expiration


I have this error:
Error creating new cert :: too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains:

I have already read the and I know that access will open in a week.
But I’m not sure from what day it’s counting. Is there a way to find out?

If you have the opportunity to increase the limit for this domain by at least one more attempt, I would be very grateful to you, because this is a big inconvenience for our client.

It's most probably 2018-05-07 : |

Note: When you need to test the generation of certificates, you should use the staging environment:

  • It has with higher rates-limits
  • It doesn't impact the production rates-limits
  • It generates certificates not trusted by browsers

What happened to the other 5 certificates from a week ago and the certificate from March?

You can avoid that rate limit by adding a second (sub)domain to the certificate, so it will no longer have the exact same set of names.

They were re-issued erroneously, and the latter cert has been removed from the redis.
Today successfully re-issued, thanks to all.

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