Letsencrypt --apache error

If you want to get e certificate for your Domain or Subdomain, it is important that your A-Records of your Domain Point to the Public IP-Adress to your server. Do you have a Public IP-Adress and do your A-Records point to it?

My little checklist for Let’s Encrypt:

  1. Domain/Subdomain point to my public ip
  2. My webserver handle that domain/subdomain over port 80 to receive certificate
  3. Create ssl vhost with certificate, to provide ppl to access my page over https
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It’s concerning that the IP addresses mentioned in the screenshot are private (192.168) IP addresses, not public addresses. So @Sm3rT’s question is very appropriate: is this machine (where Certbot is being run) actually listening for connections to the public IP address

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Oh My God…
Sm3rt / schoen

That’s right

I am using my server by port forwarding

and I only accept the port 22 n 80
I add 443 .
It works …really thank you for you guys for a long time…

bless you

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