I just set-up a VPS at the amazing, independent service provider, Maadix, who automatically add and renews Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates. Our DNS provider Cloudflare seems to be screwing with it. It seems we have to upgrade to a pricey business account to upload a custom SSL certificate. I hope someone here can shed a light on that, is that true? And if not, is there something I’m missing? Should I SSH and use a certbot to finish the process? * note: I’m a newbie sys admin in training
You can also let cloudflare use their own SSL certs for your domain. This way the public gets the cloudflare cert, and the connections from cloudflare to your server are protected with a Let's Encrypt certificate (But you can also use a cloudflare origin CA certificate, that does not expire every three months.)
That hasn't been my experience. But if you don't want them proxying your content (which you probably don't anyway if you're running a Discourse site), just turn off the proxy--change this:
to this: