Let’s Encrypt Wordpress plugin: Registration key is already in use

I’ve managed to create a workaround. The issue is something to to do with the account registration keys - on my host they are:


It may be possible to just delete these files (and other letsencrypt certs) and start from scratch - your risk!

My working method was to insert the [wp_encrypt_registration] record into the [wp_options] table for the problematic site from a working SSL site. You will need to change the URL information in your new copy to reflect the problematic site.

Hope this helps


…and, here’s an absolutely horrible hack that disables the registration validation:

In WP-Encrypt - CertificateManager.php

		 * Retrieves information about a Let's Encrypt account.
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @access public
		 * @param string $location Endpoint URL for the account.
		 * @return array|WP_Error The response if successful, an error object otherwise.
		public function get_account( $location ) {
			$response = Client::get()->signed_request( $location, array(
				'resource' => 'reg',
			) );

			if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
				return $response;
			* Horrible Hack to allow account registration to proceed
			if ( isset( $response['status'] ) && 200 !== absint( $response['status'] ) ) {
				return $this->parse_wp_error( $response );
			$response['location'] = $location;

			return $response;

I’m considering picking up the development on this once I’ve exchanged a few emails with the original dev