Is the ACME v2 staging server working?

I just always got a “500 Internal server error” when I create new order to the ACME v2 staging server. It’s about 20 hours, but still the same 500 internal server error.

Is the server working for you guys ?


Yeah, new-order has been busted for me (100% failures) since ~36 hours ago as well.

acme: error code 500 "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:serverInternal": Error creating new order

Looking into this. I think a step was missed during a maintenance window. Thanks for reporting.

This should be resolved now. Thanks for flagging.

Still down? Getting the same error and if you lookup the domain it says it doesnt exists.

Oh wait. I was talking about the production server…“

There isn't an ACME v2 production server yet. is the current, "ACME v1" production server.

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you need to add --test


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