Invalid URI: The URI scheme is not valid

Hi, im trying to renew my certificate. No problem until today. This is the error I get:


2021-06-02 09:35:24.366 -06:00 [Information] Could not begin authorization for domain with Let's Encrypt: System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The URI scheme is not valid.
at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
at System.Uri..ctor(String uriString)
at ACMESharp.AcmeClient.GetDirectory(Boolean saveRelative)
at Certify.ACMESharpCompat.ACMESharpUtils.NewIdentifier(String alias, String dns, String vaultProfile)
at Certify.VaultManager.BeginRegistrationAndValidation(CertRequestConfig requestConfig, String identifierAlias, String challengeType, String domain) - [09:35 a. m.] NewIdentifier : System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The URI scheme is not valid.
at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
at System.Uri..ctor(String uriString)
at ACMESharp.AcmeClient.GetDirectory(Boolean saveRelative)
at Certify.ACMESharpCompat.ACMESharpUtils.NewIdentifier(String alias, String dns, String vaultProfile)
at Certify.VaultManager.BeginRegistrationAndValidation(CertRequestConfig requestConfig, String identifierAlias, String challengeType, String domain)
2021-06-02 09:35:24.367 -06:00 [Information] Validation of the required challenges did not complete successfully.

I restarted the site on IIS but I cant figure out what's going on.

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Welcome to the Let's Encrypt Community, Octavio :slightly_smiling_face:

In your screenshot, it looks like there's a period "." at the beginning of that shouldn't be there, like this:

I'm going to go ahead and tag @webprofusion on this one just in case the problem is something deeper.

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That's justs the display name of the site. Anyway, I remove, try again but nothing happend.

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From the error message, I can't determine what else might be going wrong. I tagged the developer of Certify the Web in my previous post who is a regular in this community. He's around quite often, so you shouldn't need to wait too long. Certify the Web also has its own support community at


Isn't the version you're using VERY OLD? Looking at the "Trial version" in the title bar. This was renamed to "Community Edition" back in January 2018 in version 3.x.. We're at version 5.4.3 already.


Hi folks, yes that's version 3.x which is ACME v1 only, Let's Encrypt have now disabled the v1 API so you just need to download the new version from This should upgrade your settings automatically but if you have a problem let me know.


We'll probably start to see a few more of these types of issue across older clients. Keywords to look out for (on many clients) include:


Good to know! :slightly_smiling_face:

I've updated the v1 end-of-life sticky wiki accordingly. Glad I can recognize this now.


YESSSSS It works. Thank you so much!!!!


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