WARNING: Python 2.6 support is very experimental at present...
if you would like to work on improving it, please ensure you have backups
and then run this script again with the --debug flag!
I'm not sure what to do next. The docs don't offer a lot of help, either. Should I try the centos bootstrapper? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
My server actually had python2.7 installed already but Let’s Encrypt wouldn’t recognise it (I had to add the debug flag a lot). Have you had similar issues since installing python?
Yup, still having issues. Amazon Linux wants you to be explicit with the versions, but Let’s Encrypt is making tons of assumptions without checking for alternatives (e.g. python27).
Looking at the script, it checks only /usr/bin/python2 - which by default points to 2.6 on AWS. Here’s how my folder structure looks at the moment…
Also, I should point out that all the symlink alternatives on my system (python, pip, virtualenv) use the Python 2.7 versions.
Beyond that though, is the way the script checks the OS. Amazon Linux stores it’s system information in /etc/system-release and /etc/system-release-cpe for human and machine readability, respectively.
I’d modify the ./letsencrypt-auto file directly to use the correct version of python, but I’m not sure if I’ll run into other problems later… and there’s not much in the way of documentation for configuring it manually (or whether that’s even really an option).
But aside from the python issue, I still need to make the installer recognize my OS. In theory, the Red Hat version should be able to work fine on Amazon Linux, but I’d prefer confirmation before I spend the time setting up a test server to experiment on.
I tried to modify a few of the files that referenced python2 and didn't really get anywhere so I'd personally advise against it. Saying that, I suppose if you know what you're doing and know what to look for it might be worth a shot.
indeed Amazon Linux AMI is slightly different from CentOS/RHEL maybe they can use some of Amazon Linux AMI's unique identifiers like
/etc/image-id and/or sudo alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python2.7 if these files exist
if /usr/bin/python2.7 exists, but Amazon AMI uses python 2.6 default and uses alternatives to set python version as either /usr/bin/python2.6 or /usr/bin/python2.7 so to set to python 2.7 default sudo alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python2.7
Hi. We have an experimental branch to support Amazon Linux. Just run git checkout amazonlinux before doing ./letsencrypt-auto. Let us know at https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt/pull/1465 if it’s working for you, and/or if you’ve also tested it on other RPM based systems.
Hello @Veraxus,
I encountered this same warning with amazon-linux-ami/2015.09
> WARNING: Amazon Linux support is very experimental at present...
> if you would like to work on improving it, please ensure you have backups
> and then run this script again with the --debug flag!
As ec2-user, I was able to manually install the new ssl certificates:
First install python 2.7 with development libraries. Header libs are needed to compile letsencrypt. sudo yum install python27 sudo yum install python27-devel
Update python symlinks to use 2.7
/etc/alternatives/python -> /usr/bin/python2.6
/etc/alternatives/python -> /usr/bin/python2.7
Install pip for 2.7 sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py | python2.7
Install setuptools for 2.7 sudo easy_install setuptools
To update pip: sudo pip install setuptools --upgrade
Stop apache service
sudo httpd -k stop
Add '--debug' flag to ./letsencrypt command sudo ./letsencrypt-auto --agree-dev-preview --server https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory certonly -d yourdomain.name -d www.yourdomain.name -v --debug
Follow setup dialog, acept agreement, etc
Certificates are saved in /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourdomain.name/
Modify apache's ssl configuration nano /etc/conf.d/ssl.conf (common path for CentOS/RHEL)