Incomplete Chain Issue, Plesk 11.5 Apache 2.2.15

I have Plesk 11.5 so don’t have the option to upload the chain file separately.
If (for the certificate) I upload the fullchain.pem or paste in the text I only end up with the first part
My cert is working but has an incomplete chain according to ssllabs (and is not trusted by Firefox)

I have tried adding
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

To the following file but it prevents httpd service from restarting successfully

Any help much appreciated

Plesk 11.5, Apache 2.2.25, Centos 6.9 (I know this server needs retiring but that’s a job for another day!)
It’s my dedicated server, hosting multiple sites. I have root access over SSH


Can you please follow the two tutorial below and try to install the cert again? (I think you just need to upload the certificate and CA certificate separately)

Thank you.

Thanks for the quick response, where would I get the CA cert from?
I have the private key & certificate installed OK

Good morning,

The CA file is just your Intermediate and Root CA key.

A good tool to compile it is

Don’t forget to remove your certificate (server cert) before save the chain to CA cert file.

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