I can't find the instructions?

Am I losing it? I'm on the installation page and I can't figure out how to see the actual instructions. It tells me the requirements but the next thing on the page is instructions if you don't have those requirements. Is there something missing from that page? Please help!

Hi @jsharp9, and welcome to the LE community forum :slight_smile:

That page looks half answered.
I do see the "Apache" choice.
But the "ON" side shows "System" - that choice needs to be made before it can provide relevant instruction.

Both choices must be made first.


Note that most of the previously specified Linux distribution systems are now summarised in the "Linux (snap)" and "Linux (pip)" options where the Certbot team recommends the snap instruction set. The pip method is only partly supported, i.e. on a best effort basis.

The above nuance unfortunately does not come across anywhere on the instruction generator..

Also note that IMO with Gentoo or other rolling release based distributions (e.g. Arch, but NOT Debian and Ubuntu et c.) it's probably still better to use the distributions package manager, as these are being kept up to date properly (in contrast with the often ancient versions found in Debian/Ubuntu..)