How to Install Wildcard SSL Certificate on Multiple Servers

I have installed the SSL certificate on one server but unable to apply it on another server.

Could you please let me know the process?

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Hi @Bhavin

How to Install Wildcard SSL Certificate on Multiple Servers

that's configuration specific.

You may use deploy hooks to distribute and install the certificate.

See Pre- and Post-validation hooks


Thanks for your quick response.

Regarding configuration, I am using SSL certificate on a windows AWS server having OS as Windows server 2016.

I have installed the wildcard certificate using “certify the web” functionality last year with

  • Wildcard domain
  • Challenge type : dns-01
  • Deployment mode : Certificate Store Only

I have followed the almost same steps as given here. It is working absolutely fine

Now I need to use the same wildcard certificate on another server as I have the same domain. I have done the following process

I just exported the certificate from IIS “server certificate” from the first server and imported it to IIS on another server.
This didn’t work, I am getting error as 500 - Internal server error.

Could you please suggest, what I am missing here?

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not a certificate problem, that's an internal problem of your webserver you have to fix.

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