How to implement SSL cert over http(s) loadbalancer in google cloud for a subdomain

The domain is bought from, but the website is hosted on different hosting with cpanel.
To create a subdomain ( i have created an A RECORD in the advanced zone editor and pointed it to the ip address of the google compute engine VM instance.

How do i create the SSL cert for this subdomain alone- and implement it over the google cloud http(s) loadbalancer.
The google compute engine VM instance is ubuntu16.04 running apache version: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu).
I can login to a root shell on the ubuntu vm instance.

Just execute certbot for the subdomain on the vm. Or does google terminate the SSL for you? Then you should ask google for help to deploy a custom certificate to the lb.

hi what do you mean by “does google terminate the SSL for you” ?

You write https loadbalancer. This practically means, there is a head machine which does https and delivers contents from webservers behind which are accessed via unsecured http. Is this the case? Has this load balancer been setup by yourself?

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