I use Directadmin shared server and I dont have access for SHH and my directadmin doesnt have Let’s Encrypt automatic ssl instaling options,
so I want to install Let’s Encrypt manually,for this
How can I earn that is between (-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- ) ? for putting in my server.
I mean how must I send CSR to Let’s Encrypt for earning above code?
To generate a CSR you have to generate first a private and public key. The CSR contains the public key and signed by the private key. How did you generate a CSR without having the keys?
ٍٍExcuse me,I described wrong
I mean that now I have private key and CSR,but I dont know how can I earn code,that is between (-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- ) ??
How must I send CSR to Let’s Encrypt?that Let’s Encrypt send me SSL code (between (-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- ))