i’ve tried to install on my debian 9 server with apache 2.0 certificate ssl with certbot and all works fine.
But now i’ve an issue…on my server there are different virtual host on port 80 for some domains, each domain has its own file .conf.
for 2 of this domains i’ve generated the certificate with certbot and two ssl files were generated for port 443
the problem is that for domains that do not have a configured ssl they are redirected to the default one, which is no longer the default-ssl.conf but the last certificate generated with certbot
even doing the apachectl command -S I see that the default for calls on port 443 has changed.
To temporany solve the problem, I copied the content of default-ssl.conf file to the new default file, so unrecognized domains are redirected to / var / www / html
Is there a way to force the default server modified by certbot?