My domain is:
My web server is: Apache v2.4.6
The OS my web server runs on is: centos-release-7-7.1908.0.el7.centos.x86_64
I can login to a root shell on my machine: yes
I’m using a control panel to manage my site: Webmin v1.94 1
The version of my client is: certbot version 1.0.0
so my webmin installation (on the standard port 10000) throws the browser privacy error and appears to not be using the same certificate that is being used when i go to port 443 (the dates are different when i view the cert from the browser)
Note: This change may require the "webmin process user" access rights to those files.
If that causes access rights problems that can't be overcome:
You can copy the required files to a folder that Webmin does have access to.
[then modify the cert update script to copy those files whenever the cert is renewed]
used the first suggestion of edits
edited as root
restarted webmin and apache
and BOOM!
once again you’ve come through like a champ!
thank you thank you! THANK YOU!!!