Has the output of initialIp changed in the account directory?

Hi everyone, I have a question. Has the value or type of initialIp from https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-acct changed recently? Previously, we were getting an empty string, but now it returns null.


The InitialIP field has been fully removed. I suspect that you're not getting "initialIP": null in the JSON response from our server, but rather you're getting no key-value pair at all and your JSON parsing library is treating that as a null.


This was shipped to prod last night at 8 utc?

Yes, that timing sounds correct. We usually deploy on Thursdays during US working hours, and we didn't deploy last week due to the Thanksgiving holiday, so that change would have been deployed yesterday.


Thank you, last question: Are there any way that we can find out about these changes beforehand?


In general, we announce public API changes in the API Announcements category here; you can subscribe to that category to get notifications. For really big changes, we also publish blog posts.

This change was so small (that field is not part of the ACME spec, and had never held useful information) that we didn't make announcements this time. My apologies for causing you difficulties.


It might be a good idea to make an API Announcement anyway. Removing a field that used to be there is kind of the classic example of a breaking API change. It being a useless field and not in the spec is a good reason to remove it, but not really a good reason to not tell people about removing it. :slight_smile:

(Obligatory XKCD link)


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