Happy New Year! Looking back on the last year of accomplishments

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you are having a good one. I wanted to take this opportunity to look back at all the cool stuff you all have done this year. It’s been awesome being part of a community with you all and I am looking forward to more of it in the coming year.

@_az created Let’s Debug, a tool to help diagnose issuance problems.

@juergenauer created Redirect Check and the list of third-party tools to self-diagnose issuance problems.

@tdelmas created our first Web site translation (French), our first language-specific help category (also French), and a glossary for the web site.

@georgeperez translated our Web site into Spanish. Both @tdelmas and @georegeperez have been keeping our translations up-to-date, too.

@stevenzhu started the process of translating our Web site into Chinese.

Many community members contributed to compatibility testing for “No Common Name” certificates.

@stevenzhu took over maintaining the massive Web Hosting who support Let's Encrypt page.

When the problem with TLS-SNI was found, many community members worked on testing a patch for Certbot and have since provided lots of help and guidance to people who ran into problems due to the deprecation of TLS-SNI.

@Patches, @tdelmas, and @JuergenAuer became Community Leaders.

@jmorahan and @sahsanu stepped up to join @mnordhoff as Community Moderators. Community members have flagged 348 posts this year, including fighting a big wave of tricky spammers, and the moerator team has reviewed every one.

We’ve had 22,700 signups, created 5,400 topics, and 40,200 posts. In the last 30 days we’ve had 1,500,000 page views.

I’m sure I’ve missed some people and accomplishments. Please post your favorites here! Especially if you’ve seen somebody else be awesome or helpful to you or to someone else on the forum.


Here’s a nice post from @josh talking about some great successes of Let’s Encrypt in 2018:

(I’m also happy to see that the stats page has been updated and that it shows such great issuance statistics.) :chart_with_upwards_trend:


We are also planning to introduce a Certificate Transparency (CT) log in 2019.

This is a wonderful news!


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