Happy 9th birthday to ISRG Root X1! 🎂

Nine years ago today, Let's Encrypt created their first root certificate! In what's really a short amount of time, it has completely changed the standard for how sites are secured by setting the expectation that domain-validated certificates can be free for subscribers.

Thank you, Let's Encrypt!

:partying_face: :cake: :icecream:


Here Here Peter!!
Happy Birthday X1!


We went from 35% overall HTTPS adoption in June 2015

to 80% overall HTTPS adoption in June 2024.

While this growth is certainly due to more than a single cause, I strongly believe that Let's Encrypt had a vital role in supporting this significant uptick in HTTPS.

Let's Encrypt is also no longer the only free-of-charge CA nor is it the only CA supporting the open and automated ACME protocol (which was also developed by Let's Encrypt, and standardized by IETF) . Let's Encrypt has never been about vendor lock-in, despite being arguably the largest CA in the world (based on total count of certificates submitted to CT).

At the same time, Let's Encrypt has been establishing higher security standards for all CAs worldwide, by encouraging automation in all CAs, pioneering multi-perspective validation, cultivating an excellent incident reporting and by being open source and transparent.

And they achieved all this while remaining a non profit organization. Absolutely stunning achievement. I applaud all ISRG employees for this feat, it has really changed the web as a whole. Congrats!


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