2024 ISRG Annual Report

Just want to make sure people here see this:

Some highlights:

  • They're planning on starting to offer 6-day certificates next year.
  • Now handling certs for over 500,000,000 domain names. According to one way of counting at least, Let's Encrypt is on 59.1% of all websites.
  • A push for people to start implementing ARI.
  • A shout-out to the volunteers here!
  • A lot of progress on the non-Let's-Encrypt ISRG initiatives, including significant work on Hickory which will be replacing Unbound (if I'm understanding correctly) as the DNS resolver for Let's Encrypt at some point.
  • All with only 27 people listed as "Staff".

Thank you, ISRG, for everything!


it’s not inconceivable that at some point in our next
decade we may need to be prepared to issue 100,000,000 certificates per day.
That sounds sort of nuts to me today, but issuing 5,000,000 certificates per day
would have sounded crazy to me ten years ago. Here’s the thing though, and this is
what I love about the combination of our staff, partners, and funders - whatever it
is we need to do to doggedly pursue our mission, we’re going to get it done.


That does sound crazy :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


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