Force certbot-auto to generate certificate at a custom path instead of /etc/letsencrypt/live

Hi Team,

Can I force certbot-auto to generate certificate at a custom path instead of /etc/letsencrypt/live

For eg: I want letsencrypt to generate certificate in /home/zahid/letsencrypt/live instead of /etc/letsencrypt/live

Please help!!

Best Regards,

Hi @zahid.k11,

You should be able to change this directory with the --config-dir option to certbot-auto.

You can also make this the default by setting config_dir (note the _ rather than - character) in /etc/letsencrypt/cli.ini.

Hi Schoen,

Thanks for your help!!
For Temporary:
So for temporary path change we can use the following. Please confirm:
./certbot-auto certonly --config-dir /home/zahid/letsencrypt/live --webroot -w /var/www/test/ -d -d

For permanent:
Unfortunately, I do not see “cli.ini” under “/etc/letsencrypt/”. Do I need to manually create “cli.ini” and then add the following line to it to change default certificate generation path to " /home/zahid/letsencrypt/live":

config_dir = /home/zahid/letsencrypt/live

Please suggest.

Best Regards,

I think both of those will work the way you want. Please let me know if you have trouble!

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