Filezilla server Let'sEncrypt

fileziila server 1.8.2
Windows 2016 server
Port 80 responds from outside
Trying to use IIS as the internal webserver
I do not see Filezilla creating any website??

I'm sorry, but how is this related to Let's Encrypt exactly?


@rjbuckley welcome, if you are following How to Configure Let’s Encrypt® with FileZilla Server - FileZilla Pro then the "internal web server" is one that FileZilla tries to run on port 80 by itself, not using IIS.

Below those instructions it mentions using an "external" web server, and that would include IIS, so it depends what you're really trying to achieve and whether IIS is required for other things on the same server or not.

Regarding port 80, make sure it works externally to your network and that port 80 is being forwarded to that server, not just that it works from something else on the same network/wifi.


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