Expiration notice does not correspond with "real" certificate expiration date

Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better.

My domain is:mdhomeandgarden.com

I ran this command: https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=mdhomeandgarden.com

It produced this output: The certificate will expire in 79 days

My operating system is (include version):

My web server is (include version): ngnix

My hosting provider, if applicable, is: SiteGround

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know): no

I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): cPanel - don’t know version.

Received this email:


Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed
below will expire in 10 days (on 19 Jul 16 07:29 +0000). Please make sure to
renew your certificate before then, or visitors to your website will encounter

But both my cPanel and https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=mdhomeandgarden.com concur on another date, much farther away.

What do I need to do about this?

Hello @DavidALeigh,

The notification is for the certificate you issued on April for your domains mdhomeandgarden.com and www.mdhomeandgarden.com

CRT ID    DOMAIN (CN)          VALID FROM             VALID TO               EXPIRES IN  SANs
16975329  mdhomeandgarden.com  2016-Apr-20 07:29 UTC  2016-Jul-19 07:29 UTC  4 days      mdhomeandgarden.com

Seems you have added 2 more domains slprod.com www.slprod.com to your cert:

CRT ID    DOMAIN (CN)          VALID FROM             VALID TO               EXPIRES IN  SANs
23738328  www.slprod.com       2016-Jul-04 05:18 UTC  2016-Oct-02 05:18 UTC  79 days     mdhomeandgarden.com

As the subset of domains is not the same, Let’s Encrypt notification tool see your first certificate as a different one, that is the reason you are getting the notification.

In brief, no worries, all is working as expected ;).


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