I replaced the real domain with the example.com
How can i execute something to complete acme challenges and update the identifier before new acme certificate?
I tried:
Complete-ACMEChallenge -IdentifierRef www-example-com -ChallengeType http-01 -Handler iis -HandlerParameters @{ WebSiteRef = ‘example’ }
On this step i get error
Complete-ACMEChallenge : authorization is not in pending state; use Force flag to override this validation
Can you write all steps for renew?
I’m sorry if I made any mistake… But from what I see, acmesharp doesn’t provide a script / option to renew the certificate. The author was saying “run the whole get started process again (except create new registration with let’s encrypt)” to renew your certificate (in this way it’s actually get a new certificate)
Also it seems that the author wasn’t responding to any new issues now… (the last code update was 7 months ago)
You might want to choose an acme-v2 compatible clients… (Since it’s keep updating and most of those support auto renewal)