Error inserting certificates in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf


Can I get some assistance please.
Have installed LE v1 and v2 on a few testing environment in the last few months.
Am looking at installing V2 wildcard cert on a new Centos 7 with Apache testing environment.
Am still in early config stages and not clear why the error.

This is a new Server on our private cloud environment were we have a few other servers configured VMware.

Currently have one Vhost site on this server that displays a basic message where site is connected to via http through a basic HTML file.

Am looking at inserting the four lines of LE references in the main httpd.conf file at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
the certs are for wildcard domain for this server so do not want to insert in each Vhost conf file.

A scan of the ports shows they are open for 80 and 443.

When I advance to the next step of getting Certs and https started, the apache server throws an error and won’t start at all.

If I remove cert references, basic httpd starts for port 80 access.

Selluix is set to permissive mode, has not matter if enforced or permissive…

This is the output from the /var/log/httpd/error.log

[Fri Apr 13 08:23:35.409940 2018] [core:notice] [pid 1586] SELinux policy enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
[Fri Apr 13 08:23:35.412496 2018] [suexec:notice] [pid 1586] AH01232: suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Fri Apr 13 08:23:35.415993 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1586] AH02311: Fatal error initialising mod_ssl, exiting. See /home/sites/www/logs/error.log for more information

The error log for the last line states “/home/sites/www/logs/error.log”
These are the errors in that file

[Fri Apr 13 08:23:35.415748 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 1586] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Apr 13 08:23:35.415979 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1586] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)

For the last error “…SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope…” have made the change in file /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
Turned off SSLEngine
#SSLEngine on
SSLEngine off

In the Vhost conf files I have included SSLEngine On
This is how the vhost httpd.conf is constructed

<VirtualHost *:80>
> 	ServerAdmin
>     ServerName
>     ServerAlias
> 	DocumentRoot /home/sites/www/public_html
> 	ErrorLog /home/sites/www/logs/error.log
> 	CustomLog /home/sites/www/logs/access.log combinedio
>     <Directory /home/Sites/www/public_html>
>        DirectoryIndex index.html
>         Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +Includes
> 		AllowOverride All
> 		Order allow,deny
> 		Allow from All
> 		Require all granted
>     </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
>  <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
>    <VirtualHost *:443>
>      SSLEngine on
>  	 ServerAdmin
>  	 ServerName
>      ServerAlias
>     ErrorLog /home/sites/www/logs/error.log
>     CustomLog /home/sites/www/logs/access.log combinedio
>  	ErrorLog /home/sites/www/logs/error_ssl.log
>     DocumentRoot /home/sites/www/public_html
>     <Directory /home/sites/www/public_html>
>          DirectoryIndex index.html
>          Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +Includes
> 		 AllowOverride All
>  		 Order allow,deny
>  		 Allow from All
>  		 Require all granted
>     </Directory>
>   </VirtualHost>
> </IfModule>

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

What are the four lines?

Please show the public cert used.

These are the four lines

SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Please show the public cert used.

Are you referring to the contents of the cert.pem file?

Thanks for your response

Try it with only one (fullchain.pem or cert.pem) not both.

And yes, the contents of the public cert (cert.pem).

tried with one at a time .

Excluding cert.pem raised this error

[Fri Apr 13 10:41:46.763728 2018] [core:notice] [pid 2651] SELinux policy enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
[Fri Apr 13 10:41:46.765664 2018] [suexec:notice] [pid 2651] AH01232: suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Fri Apr 13 10:41:46.765901 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 2651] AH02240: Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] ((null):0)
[Fri Apr 13 10:41:46.765921 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 2651] AH02312: Fatal error initialising mod_ssl, exiting.

Excluding fullchain.pem raised this error

[Fri Apr 13 10:43:29.329365 2018] [core:notice] [pid 2692] SELinux policy enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
[Fri Apr 13 10:43:29.331754 2018] [suexec:notice] [pid 2692] AH01232: suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Fri Apr 13 10:43:29.334522 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 2692] AH02311: Fatal error initialising mod_ssl, exiting. See /home/sites/www/logs/error.log for more information

This is content of cert.pem


Please show:

Also, the cert is a wildcard cert.
But it doesn't include the base domain.
only good for *
NOT & *

Try changing the servername directive to better match the cert.
Keep in mind that the FQDN should resolve to the same IP in order for it to work correctly.
But for testing, you could use "servername" or even "servername *"

Also, you can remove this line; and just leave the line above it (with the #)

this is from "/home/sites/www/logs/error.log"

[Mon Mar 26 11:19:22.596442 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 10782] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Mon Mar 26 11:23:41.119346 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 23863] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Mon Mar 26 11:23:41.119576 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 23863] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Mon Mar 26 11:27:04.392728 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 24089] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Mon Mar 26 11:27:04.392855 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 24089] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Mon Mar 26 11:31:13.306110 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 24397] AH02240: Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] (/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/
[Mon Mar 26 11:32:18.596888 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 24480] AH02240: Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] (/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/
[Mon Mar 26 12:04:54.438458 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1467] AH02240: Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] (/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/
[Mon Mar 26 12:05:56.778256 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1521] AH02240: Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] (/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/
[Wed Apr 11 16:55:41.449627 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1308] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Wed Apr 11 17:00:32.042245 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 16176] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Thu Apr 12 10:56:18.990633 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 22021] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Thu Apr 12 15:02:05.752966 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 27395] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Thu Apr 12 15:03:43.186910 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 27426] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Thu Apr 12 15:03:50.187351 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 27450] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Thu Apr 12 17:12:25.495940 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 27974] AH02240: Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] (/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/
[Thu Apr 12 17:31:31.403526 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 28094] AH02240: Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] (/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/
[Thu Apr 12 17:32:55.354255 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 28120] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Thu Apr 12 17:32:55.354468 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 28120] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Thu Apr 12 17:36:08.962682 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 28175] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Thu Apr 12 17:36:08.962807 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 28175] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Thu Apr 12 17:49:51.032601 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 28251] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Thu Apr 12 17:54:19.724268 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 28312] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Thu Apr 12 17:54:19.724454 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 28312] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Fri Apr 13 08:17:50.823618 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 1527] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Apr 13 08:17:50.823876 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1527] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Fri Apr 13 08:23:35.415748 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 1586] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Apr 13 08:23:35.415979 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1586] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Fri Apr 13 08:50:30.697966 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 1681] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Apr 13 08:50:30.698250 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1681] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Fri Apr 13 10:26:21.880009 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 2209] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Apr 13 10:26:21.880311 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 2209] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Fri Apr 13 10:32:28.957120 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 2493] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Apr 13 10:32:28.957358 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 2493] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Fri Apr 13 10:33:03.153889 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 2530] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Apr 13 10:33:03.154087 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 2530] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Fri Apr 13 10:33:41.067952 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 2556] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Apr 13 10:33:41.068192 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 2556] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)
[Fri Apr 13 10:43:29.334274 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 2692] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Apr 13 10:43:29.334507 2018] [ssl:emerg] [pid 2692] AH01892: Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (SSLEngine On should go in the VirtualHost, not in global scope.)

This is the command we ran to register the domain and received the congratulation registration

certbot certonly --agree-tos --manual --preferred-challenges dns --server -d *

Our intention is to be able to register multiply sub domains... eg without having to include references in each Vhost conf file
Have we registered this incorrectly?

looking into your other points......

If you have the time and inclination, show:
(no need to show any lines that start with #)
grep -ie servername -ie alias -ie sslengine /etc/httpd/*
grep -ie servername -ie alias -ie sslengine /etc/httpd/conf-enabled/*
grep -ie servername -ie alias -ie sslengine /etc/httpd/sites-enabled/*
grep -ie servername -ie alias -ie sslengine /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/*
/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/ (line 36)

I think you have done what you set out to do.
But the vhost configs aren't lined up with what you set out to do.
We need to find where they differ.
Finding all the files that use the servername directive is a start.

Ok, collecting information....

Don’t have this file

Contents of this file here


# file //etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 
ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"

Listen 80
Listen 443

Include conf.modules.d/*.conf

User apache
Group apache

ServerAdmin root@localhost

<Directory />
    AllowOverride none
    Require all denied

<Directory "/var/www">
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Directory "/var/www/html">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None

    Require all granted

<IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.html

<Files ".ht*">
    Require all denied

ErrorLog "logs/error_log"

LogLevel warn

<IfModule log_config_module>
   LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common

    <IfModule logio_module>
      # You need to enable mod_logio.c to use %I and %O
      LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O" combinedio

   CustomLog "logs/access_log" combined

<IfModule alias_module>
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/"


<Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Require all granted

<IfModule mime_module>
    TypesConfig /etc/mime.types

    AddType application/x-compress .Z
    AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz

    AddType text/html .shtml
    AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

<IfModule mime_magic_module>
    MIMEMagicFile conf/magic
EnableSendfile on

SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
#SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

IncludeOptional conf/vhosts/*.conf

grep -ie servername -ie alias -ie sslengine /etc/httpd/*

[root@appdev1 ~]# grep -ie servername -ie alias -ie sslengine /etc/httpd/*
grep: /etc/httpd/conf: Is a directory
grep: /etc/httpd/conf.d: Is a directory
grep: /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d: Is a directory
grep: /etc/httpd/logs: Is a directory
grep: /etc/httpd/modules: Is a directory
grep: /etc/httpd/run: Is a directory

Dont have this structure setup for these two
grep -ie servername -ie alias -ie sslengine /etc/httpd/conf-enabled/*
grep -ie servername -ie alias -ie sslengine /etc/httpd/sites-enabled/*

grep -ie servername -ie alias -ie sslengine /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/*

 #SSLEngine on

/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/ (line 36)

From /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
These lines are in the wrong place:

Which file(s) had these lines?:

show this entire file:

From /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
These lines are in the wrong place:

SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
#SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Where should these be ?
in individual vhost conf files in this directory..?


In the vhost file(s).

Which file(s) had these lines?:

#SSLEngine on


ls -l /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/*.conf

The httpd.conf file shows:
ServerRoot “/etc/httpd”
IncludeOptional conf/vhosts/*.conf
So it will use all the *.conf files in the /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/ directory.

ls -l /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/*.conf

lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 35 Apr 11 16:50 /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/ -> /home/sites/www/httpd.conf


	DocumentRoot /home/sites/www/public_html
	ErrorLog /home/sites/www/logs/error.log
	CustomLog /home/sites/www/logs/access.log combinedio

    <Directory /home/sites/www/public_html>
       DirectoryIndex index.html
        Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +Includes
		AllowOverride All
		Order allow,deny
		Allow from All
		Require all granted

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
     #SSLEngine on
    ErrorLog /home/sites/www/logs/error.log
    CustomLog /home/sites/www/logs/access.log combinedio
     DocumentRoot /home/sites/www/public_html
     <Directory /home/sites/www/public_html>
         DirectoryIndex index.html
         Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +Includes
 		AllowOverride All
 		Order allow,deny
 		Allow from All
 		Require all granted


SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
