Domain Name DNS Replacement

Before using the Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificate is the domain name service provider’s DNS, I now want to use the CDN, you need to change the domain name DNS to a third-party DNS, but changed to find such an error.

You currently are not using our default nameservers for this domain.So, any DNS changes you make will not have an impact. In order to manage your DNS with us, you need to change your nameservers to:
You can click here to update your domain to use our default name servers.

Is this related to the previously set TXT record? I have changed the DNS to a third party. Has it affected the previous record? Will other people visit my domain name and the certificate will not be safe?

Provide some context to your question.

  • What is your domain name?
  • What type of hosting are you using?
  • What CDN are you using?
  • How have you been issuing Let’s Encrypt certificates?

Are you trying to use Cloudflare?

This is nothing related to Let’s Encrypt,

You’ll need to know how to change your Nameserver. (Which each register should have their own tutorial)

Thank you

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