Does Let's Encrypt refuse to issue certificate for a subdomain that already covered in a wild card certificate?

Let’s say I have manually requested a wild card certificate from Let’s Encrypt, and that’s certificate is still active, say *
Now I have a Traefik web server that will automatically request a certificate for a subdomain of the domain above (say but Traefik would not do this.

So my question is that will Let’s Encrypt refuse to issue a certificate for a subdomain that already covered in a wild card certificate also issued by Let’s Encrypt?

Hi @minhdanh

no, there is no automatic refuse. If a certificate is created, the job is done. So you can create a certificate * and later one with or other subdomains.

But: There are limits:

So if you have a lot of subdomain-certificates created (50 per week) or if you create 5 certificates with exact the same name ( ) in one week: Then you may hit a limit.

I see. Thank you for making this clear.

The other limit is that LE won’t issue the subdomain and the wildcard in the same cert. You can issue them separately though.

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