I ran into a problem with the let’s encrypt certificate, its working fine for the www and it autorenew flawless (this 31/12/2018) but we just notice it that without www, it do not work, this problem could be running from the start, 4 months ago but we just notice it.
Certbot can obtain and install HTTPS/TLS/SSL certificates. By default,
it will attempt to use a webserver both for obtaining and installing the
certbot: error: ambiguous option: --d could match --dns-route53, --dns-sakuraclo ud, --delete-after-revoke, --domains, --duplicate, --dns-digitalocean, --dns-ovh , --dns-dnsimple, --disable-renew-updates, --domain, --debug, --dns-google, --di sable-hook-validation, --debug-challenges, --deploy-hook, --dns-gehirn, --dialog , --dns-dnsmadeeasy, --dns-cloudflare, --dns-nsone, --dry-run, --dns-linode, --d ns-rfc2136, --dns-cloudxns, --dns-luadns
Seems it do not recognice the --d as correct, im a bit new with certbot so im sure i did something wrong
Thats the root of the problem, i didnt create it and i do not know the method, since the person who did it is no longer around and he dont document anything, i created it on other servers and i do not have problems to mess with them, recertificate, modify etc, but with this one, im a bit lost
Yeah was run as a root, anyway, there was so much investigation just to know how that was setup, so i just move the content to a new one an used Lego to recertificate and setup the renew, everthing is running smooth now, and is certificate for both with and without www.