Love this tool. Community appears great. I’ve done searching and I see this question asked but I’ve got a particular question that differs slightly I believe.
I’ve got a domain that I connected to a vps over at digital ocean. I used their fantastic guide to setup a letsencrypt certificate for that domain / vps. I now want to move that domain to be used at a service called cloudcannon (I’m using Jekyll). I’ve gotten an invite to the private beta for SSL there.
Here’s where Im at. I can either grab the credentials from my current vps and repurpose them on cloudcannon. However I’m thinking it might be better to start over. Before I delete this VPS do I need to revoke the certificate? If I end up repurposing the certificate how to do I find the pubkey? I seem to have identified the priv key and other things cloud cannon would want. The server used a cron job to renew the certificate. With the server deleted and cloudcannon not being able to do cronjobs for something like this, how would I handle this? And lastly, I’d ask that the focus be a bit more on how to properly revoke and or stop using the certificate is the main focus. Even though I have a few other questions re: migration, I’m a tad more interested in starting over, just for my own edification. But I’m so nervous about deleting the VPS only to find that I didn’t revoke the certificate properly and will be stuck not being able to setup a new one.
I’m happy to hear ‘don’t worry it doesn’t matter.’ But I just need certainty. Most of the searched threads I found re this topic are addressed by a helpful user who merely asks ‘but why would you want to revoke’. He just doesn’t elaborate enough to make me feel comfortable just deleting. I’d just really wanna know that I can delete the server and start over from a different service provider. But any info you can provide would be helpful.