Cryptocurrency Scam

The people or person associated with this website registered with you are running cryptocurrency scam on Twitter. Provided is a screenshot of the scam in progress. There is a private investigation underway regarding account in question. Thank you.

My domain is:

Serial number: 036B70640DBCDE0F3C7E3EE6470210E8538B

My hosting provider, if applicable, is: ISRG Root X1

Hello, @IceMaster_T,

Thanks for the report. Our current policy does not allow us to revoke certificates based on the content of websites, including for suspected phishing, malware, fraud, abuse, or otherwise objectionable content.

We recommend reporting such sites to Google Safe Browsing and the Microsoft Smart Screen program, which are able to more effectively protect users. Here are some reporting URLs:

If you’d like to read more about our policies and rationale, you can do so here:


What do you mean exactly with "registered with Let's Encrypt"?


No worries or stress. Their site was removed this morning and that is one less scammer for now. Thank you all for your quick response.

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