Hi everyone, I used Certbot on a Centos 8 server to create and install a Lets Encrypt certificate on one of the sites hosted on that server, there are 5 sites, one site uses a certificate from another provider while the other 4 they use Lets Encrypt, so far coexistence is OK.
Now I would like to use my UTM to add an extra layer of security by configuring reverse proxy but it asks me to load PKCS # 12.
How can I generate this file considering that the certificate was generated with Certbot?
Hi @papalii, and welcome to the LE community forum
The fullchain.pem and privkey.pem files created by certbot can be converted to PKCS#12 format.
OpenSSL is one software that can be used to do that quite easily, with: openssl pkcs12 -export -in fullchain.pem -inkey privkey.pem -out domain.pfx