Created a new certificate instead of renewing

Oh sorry for that. I thought this is a common setup.

When I created the certificates for the first, I followed some articles/documentations. So I was able to do the setup and make it work.

I couldn't find documentation on the same lines for renewal. So that broke the things apart.

Now I understand that I have to copy the certificates created by certbot and install it in the webserver.

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Yeah I remember. I will do the copy. I understand that it will sort out the issue.

If you can write a simple script to do that copy, you can use that script to help you automate the entire renewal process.
Have a look into --deploy-hook at:

Sure. I will work on that hooks. Thanks a lot for the help guys. Got to understand it better.

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The typical setup: Certbot runs on the machine with the webserver and can modify the webserver configuration (challenge + new port 443 vHost).

If Certbot runs on a different machine, the installation must be done via other code.

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Yeah I get it now. Thanks a lot.

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