Create ssl certificate for another server behind same router [domain:port]

I have created and ssl certififcate for my VM windows server 2012r2 wampserver 3.2 (
I want to create another certificate for another VM server inside the same local network (behind the same rooter and have the same public ip) with port forwarding
is it possible
I configured the same certificate for the second VM server but not working https

any suggestion will be aprecied

Hi @khalilgro

that will not work. You can redirect http -> https and one domain -> other domain, but always port 80 / 443 is required.

That's your solution. Install the same certificate on your second system.

PS: 7575 is a http port, not a https.

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thanks, you are right I have forget to add https port
I added
Listen 7577

and it works

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