ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054]


I am trying to manually renew the certificate as I do every 3 months.

On my Win10 laptop I open an admin command line and write the command:
"certbot certonly --manual"
But today instead of getting challenge files that should be loaded to the site, I got the error:
An unexpected error occurred:
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None))

I am running this on the same machine (Win 10) that I am always using.
The certbot version is also the same: 2.9.0

Any idea would be helpful.
Thank you.

After 1-2 hours, it is working now. I think there was a temporary problem on the LetsEncrypt servers. Thank you.

It's good that it got fixed. But you should be aware that Certbot for Windows support was discontinued last year, and it's advised to switch for a more suitable ACME client for Windows.


Thank you for the additional info.

  1. Could you please recommend on an ACME client for Windows?
  2. Is Certbot supported on Ubuntu 16?
    Thank you.
  1. I don't use Windows so I can't advise really. Some option are listed in the post I linked in my post above.
  2. Ubuntu 16(.04) reached End Of Live in 2021. So unless you pay for Expanded Security Maintenance—I would suggest upgrading.

The most popular ACME clients on Windows are:

Ultimately it depends what you need to use your certificate for (IIS, Apache, something else) and if it's for a production website or just development/hobby.


Thank you again for detailing the status/options.
When activating "certbot certonly --manual" I get text and challenge file names that should be loaded to the site.
Is there a way to automatically redirect/write this text and file name to a log file (and not only print them to the console)? This will allow me to use newer Ubuntu versions that have with console only without GUI. Otherwise, I must run the command on machine that has GUI so the text & file name can be copied.
Thanks again.

Using Let's Encrypt services manually is a major mistake. Consider switching to webroot method:


I totally agree with you. The problem is that my site is hosted by GoDaddy (linux/cpanel) and I have no access neither to the web server (I guess Apache) nor to ssh. This is the reason why I working manually: generating the certificate and then loading it using cpanel.

You should've said so from the beginning! CertSage is a popular ACME client for GoDaddy customers:


Thank you for this great support !