I am trying to manually renew the certificate as I do every 3 months.
On my Win10 laptop I open an admin command line and write the command:
"certbot certonly --manual"
But today instead of getting challenge files that should be loaded to the site, I got the error:
An unexpected error occurred:
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None))
I am running this on the same machine (Win 10) that I am always using.
The certbot version is also the same: 2.9.0
It's good that it got fixed. But you should be aware that Certbot for Windows support was discontinued last year, and it's advised to switch for a more suitable ACME client for Windows.
Ultimately it depends what you need to use your certificate for (IIS, Apache, something else) and if it's for a production website or just development/hobby.
Thank you again for detailing the status/options.
When activating "certbot certonly --manual" I get text and challenge file names that should be loaded to the site.
Is there a way to automatically redirect/write this text and file name to a log file (and not only print them to the console)? This will allow me to use newer Ubuntu versions that have with console only without GUI. Otherwise, I must run the command on machine that has GUI so the text & file name can be copied.
Thanks again.
I totally agree with you. The problem is that my site is hosted by GoDaddy (linux/cpanel) and I have no access neither to the web server (I guess Apache) nor to ssh. This is the reason why I working manually: generating the certificate and then loading it using cpanel.