I am trying to configure Amazon Cloudfront with a Let’s Encrypt certificate. However I cannot get past the last requirement. Cloudfront needs a certificate with a wildcard ex ‘*.mydomain.com’ and then the required URL needs to be in the Subject Alt Names ex ‘cdn.mydomain.com’. If I use the certificate service from Amazon, I have no problem creating this certificate, however the API endpoint from Let’s Encrypt is does not permit this due to certificate overlap.
I also tried generating a certificate from Let’s Encrypt that is directly pointing to ‘cdn.mydomain.com’, with the same name in the SAN field. However, then the browsers (in particular Firefox) complain with an SSL error SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP.
This is the Ansible call to generate the certificate, challenge:
- name: Create challenge
account_key_content: "{{ letsencrypt_acces_key }}"
acme_directory: "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
acme_version: 2
challenge: dns-01
csr: "{{ r_tmpcerts.path }}/request.csr"
fullchain_dest: "{{ r_tmpcerts.path }}/fullchain.pem"
terms_agreed: yes
register: r_letencryptchallenge