Changed website directory, will certificate still work?

If I change the directory that a website is located in on my server that already has a certificate issued, do I need to revoke and re-issue the certificate using the new directory, or will the existing certificate still work?

My web server is (include version): Apache 2.4.6
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): CentOS 7.8
I can login to a root shell on my machine: Yes
I’m using a control panel to manage my site: No
The version of my client is: 1.6.0

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Your existing certificate will work. No need to move the LE files and probably no need to update the Vhost files except for the DocumentRoot.


Oh, thanks! So the certificate will renew correctly as well even with the new directory as long as the Vhost points to the new directory?

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So if I understand correctly, you are moving your DocumentRoot NOT your LetsEncrypt folders and certs?

If so you should not have an issue. MAKE A BACKUP before making these kinds of changes.

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Yes, that’s correct, just changing the DocumentRoot to point to the new directory for the website domain. Not changing any LetsEncrypt folders or certs.


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You should be good to go!
Let us know how it works out.



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