to get in and the site does load like all sites from the same webroot . We do not see the challenge directory created… And on loading the challenge we get a 403. Forge is running this as Forge I would think so should be able to create directories in the web root… Any ideas what the real issue is and how to fix this?
Currently it's not even being routed to your server, so you'll probably need to ask your hosting provider how that IPv6 address was assigned and how to make it work.
I appreciate that, because most people in this situation just try to delete their IPv6 records in order to get their sites working in IPv4 as quickly as possible.
Thanks. Just opened a ticket . The ipv6 no is used in a records pointing to the server so not sure why ipv6 cannot connect to server. Name is @ and ip is the ipv6 address and that ip is attached to VPS… No ideas yet.
As you already have listen [::]:80 in your nginx configuration, it would probably be helpful to get the provider’s help figuring out why the service is inaccessible.
Moved to Digital Ocean and there I can ping the new ipv6 using and I can also get whois data and so on using , but I still get the same Let’s Encrypt Error. And ipv4 gets an app error in the browser, but ipv6 cannot be reached. So I am starting to wonder if this a server issue or an app issue… Or is it because I am on an ipv4 network and so is the Laravel Forge site trying to generate the certificate?
I think this comes down to how the Laravel Forge “letsencrypt_script” actually works - how it makes your nginx server serve the correct domain validation response. There’s a number of reasons why it may be malfunctioning, but since it isn’t open source and there’s no way for us to see what it’s doing, it’s hard to give an answer.
location /.well-known/acme-challenge {
auth_basic off;
allow all;
alias /home/forge/.letsencrypt;
and in /home/forge/.letsencrypt we have a forge test file and no others
So the script checks the root , but the alias sends it to /home/forge/.letsencrypt it seems… But somehow this does not work now and no challenge is stored and or read…