Root shell access - yes Explanation of querry:
Currently, I have Nextcloud installed on rpi and it uses ports 80 and 443
I want to install a service with docker container and this service needs to be certified for its web connection.
Any advice please or recommended resources?
I have no idea what your system is currently doing. You can have multiple services on the same port by using a reverse proxy with multiple virtualhosts.
For clarification - Nextcloud (without docker) installed and certified.
Now I am trying to add a docker service which will need certification - all the online solutions explain the usage of nginx reverse proxy with various docker containers.
I am trying to avoid the need to reinstall nextcloud within a docker container.
Please ignore whatever nginx proxy manager story they're selling you. That's usually a mess.
You can have your current webserver proxy a different fqdn to a different service. Just add a virtualhost (Apache) or a server block (nginx) and follow documentation/examples on how to reverse proxy another service.
To clarify a little bit more: you'd run your services in Docker on different ports than your current Nextcloud webserver is running (80 and 443). I'm not that familiar with Docker, but I believe you can map external "listening" ports in Docker to different "internal" ports.
E.g., on the "outside" of docker, you could have:
Nextcloud listening on 80 and 443;
Docker service A listening externally on 81 and 444, mapped to internally 80 and 443 respectively;
Docker service B listening externally on 82 and 445, mapped to internally 80 and 443 respectively;
Et c.
Then, you could add a reverse proxy virtualhost in your Apache (which would be running your Nextcloud I assume) for those Docker services A and B, reverse proxying to localhost:81 and localhost:82 respectively.
Note that for connections to localhost, it's usually not required to have HTTPS. That's usually handled by the reverse proxy. So you could leave out the "444 -> 443" and "445 -> 443" stuff and just use the HTTP ports.
NB, if you want the service not to be exposed on 81, 82, etc... bind ports and IP addresses (you have all to play with, you can use 80 and 443 if the IP is different) and then reverse proxy using ip and port.
and I get to the docker service just fine
now my problem is that the lockpad in firefox indicates the traffic is not secured
I run sudo /snap/bin/certbot certonly --standalone -d
and it seemed to work fine
then I added this in /etc/apache2/sitesavailable/