I was mucking around with my website tonight (sensorbot.org), and found I had a typo in the cron job that renewed my certificate (using acme). After fixing that, the task refused to run because the certificate was expired.
I tried to fix this in a number of ways, and finally deleted the old certificate (by removing its folder in /root/.acme.sh), and regenerated a new cert using the steps 2 and 3 in this doc: GitHub - acmesh-official/acme.sh: A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
Specifically, I ran this:
./acme.sh --issue -d sensorbot.org -w /var/www/html
and the output looked good, ending with a Cert success message and a bunch of healthy looking cert files.
I then ran this:
./acme.sh --install-cert -d sensorbot.org --cert-file /root/.acme.sh/sensorbot.org/sensorbot.org.cer --key-file /root/.acme.sh/sensorbot.org/sensorbot.org.key --fullchain-file /root/.acme.sh/sensorbot.org/fullchain.cer --reloadcmd "service apache2 force-reload"
and again got good looking output showing certs had been installed and the apache server had restarted.
In other words, everything looked right.
But in chrome, I still get a certificate expired error when I go to https://sensorbot.org. When I look at whynopadlock.com, it tells me the cert is expired, with the expiry date of the old cert.
So... something is not right. Any idea what I need to do to remedy the situation?
Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS
root access
acme 2.8.8