Certbot keeps suggesting Ngrok domain

We are working on a Docker setup for a Github repository that generates SSL certificates with Cerbot using an ngnix configuration.

You can view the open PR

The setup is simple using 3 make commands that can be described in the Makefile

  1. Change the nginx/defaultConf to match the url we want
make setup URL=<INSERT_URL>
  1. Build the image
make build
  1. Run the container
make run

You can view the Makefile here

The problem happens when running the Docker container when creating certificates with Certbot using the command

certbot --nginx

Which you can find on Line 48 of the docker-entrypoint.sh file

Certbot asks which name would like to activate HTTPS for, however it will only allow me to choose one which doesn’t match the one from the nginx defaultConf file.

The author of the PR said it used ngrok locally for development thus the cerbot services have cached the domain name.

But I’m using a brand new VPS and I checked if there were any present certificates from Github or on the machine that matched this ngrok domain name so that I could revoke it but I was unsuccesful.

My biggest confusion is how this ngrok domain is persisted using the Docker setup if the certificates are not present in the machine or the repository.

Also this setup is very similar to a previous setup we had in a similar repository and this issue never occurred.

Any help or feedback on this issue would be much appreaciated! :pray:

Hi @pedrouid,

Welcome to the community forum!

I think I found the problem at https://github.com/WalletConnect/node-walletconnect-bridge/pull/30/files#diff-5c29fc0b85522159c4dce0482195bdd8R10

I left a message on the PR too.


Thanks a lot for your help @Phil :pray: I can’t believe we missed it!


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