Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g. |, so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.
My domain is: /
I ran this command: certbot --apache
It produced this output: Successfully deployed certificate for to /etc/apache2/sites-available/aww-le-ssl.conf
Successfully deployed certificate for to /etc/apache2/sites-available/rentcorp-le-ssl.conf
Error while running apache2ctl configtest.
Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
AH00526: Syntax error on line 27 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/aww.conf:
Name duplicates previous WSGI daemon definition.
We were unable to install your certificate, however, we successfully restored your server to its prior configuration.
- The certificate was saved, but could not be installed (installer: apache). After fixing the error shown below, try installing it again by running:
certbot install --cert-name
Error while running apache2ctl configtest.
Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
AH00526: Syntax error on line 27 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/aww.conf:
Name duplicates previous WSGI daemon definition.
My web server is (include version):apache2
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): ubuntu 22.04 /
My hosting provider, if applicable, is:
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know): Yes
I'm using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): No
The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version
or certbot-auto --version
if you're using Certbot): certbot 2.6.0
This is the apache sites-enabled file. I can not find the name duplicates previous WSGI daemon definition
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /rentcorp/src/rentcorp
ErrorLog /rentcorp/site/logs/error.log
CustomLog /rentcorp/site/logs/access.log combine
Alias /static /rentcorp/site/static/
Alias /media /rentcorp/site/media/
<Directory /rentcorp/site/static>
Require all granted
<Directory /rentcorp/site/media>
Require all granted
<Directory /rentcorp/src/rentcorp>
Require all granted
#WSGIDaemonProcess rentcorp python-home=/rentcorp/venv python-path=/rentcorp/src
WSGIDaemonProcess rentcorp python-path=/rentcorp/src/rentcorp:/rentcorp/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages
WSGIProcessGroup rentcorp
WSGIScriptAlias / /rentcorp/src/rentcorp/
<Directory /rentcorp/src/templates>
Require all granted