Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g., so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.
My domain is:
I ran this command:
certbot certonly --manual --manual-auth-hook /etc/letsencrypt/ --preferred-challenges dns --debug-challenges -d * -d --preconfigured-renewal
It produced this output:
'Literally nothing'
My web server is (include version):
I'm installing it on a Jupyter notebook server so I don't know, this question is not relevant yet.
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):
Ubuntu 22.04
My hosting provider, if applicable, is:
self hosted
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know):
I'm using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):
The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version
or certbot-auto --version
if you're using Certbot):
Doesn't return any output
First I ran this command and it returned no output whatsoever:
certbot certonly --manual --manual-auth-hook /etc/letsencrypt/ --preferred-challenges dns --debug-challenges -d * -d --preconfigured-renewal
I checked the logs and it seemed it wasn't asking me for an email address, so I provided that in the next command:
sudo certbot certonly --manual --manual-auth-hook /etc/letsencrypt/ --preferred-challenges dns --debug-challenges -d * -d --preconfigured-renewal --email
This was successful and brought me to accept the agreement (I'm currently writing a tutorial for myself so I escaped this step and backed up my LXC container) Then I re ran this command:
sudo certbot certonly --manual --manual-auth-hook /etc/letsencrypt/ --preferred-challenges dns --debug-challenges -d * -d --preconfigured-renewal --email
but this time again no output whatsoever, so I tried to find the version of certbot using the following command
certbot --version, but again no output whatsoever.
Is this is tty problem? I'm sure if I were asked questions like what my email address in the first place these problems would go away.
Why is not outputting anything I don't know, before starting to go through the code I thought I'd ask here...
Many thanks
I've got it working if I ssh in instead of using the proxmox terminal, but whilst I've got your attention, how on earth do you add a CNAME of CNAME
An the CNAME data isn't valid??