I followed the guide on digitalocean to install letsencrypt via the standalone plugin. I’m getting an A+ on SSLlabs and I can access most parts of my website with HTTPS fine except for:
- VestaCP on port 8083 - Error: Certificate Error (CA root certificate is not Trusted. Issued by and from mydomain.com)
The URLs were working fine before installing letsencrypt.
I’m not experienced with servers and SSL so I’m not really sure what’s going on. I know that there is a script for installing letsencrypt with VestaCP but I don’t know if installing that would overwrite my original letsencrypt SSL.
Making things even more confusing, I have multiple .conf files in different locations. I’m not sure if I’m editing the correct files. I have:
- /home/admin/conf/web/nginx.conf - default nginx conf listening on Port 80
- /etc/nginx/conf.d/ssl.conf - created via the guide above listening on Port 443 ssl, mostly the same as above nginx.conf but added letsencrypt’s generated SSL info
- /etc/nginx/default.d/ssl-redirect.conf - also created via the guide (to forward traffic on Port 80 to 433 via:
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
Thanks for helping a newbie out!