AWS Linux Certbot with snapd


I've noticed that there have been changes to the instructions for installing / using Certbot.

The method I've always used when updating / installing it seems to no longer be used or is to be deprecated in the next few months. I got this message last month when renewing certs. Seemingly there isn't an official method for AWS Linux to install snapd. I've looked around and haven't found a working or reliable solution.

Changing from AWS Linux to something like Ubuntu is not an option for myself.

Would anyone be so kind as to point me and others who may face this issue in the right direction?


Hi @StJohn, and welcome to the LE community forum :slight_smile:

The easy answer is: There are many ACME clients to choose from.
In your particular case, certbot may not be the best choice.
But there is at least one that will resolve your problem.
I would recommend starting with
[but be aware that it no longer defaults to the LE CA - you will have to specify LE within the request]

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Thank you for the quick response.

After having a look around I found some useful links which is great.

Is this the solution you're effectively recommending?

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That looks like one that will work for you.

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Last I knew (though I haven't tested in quite a while), you should be able to use certbot directly from the Amazon Linux 2 repository (sudo yum install certbot or the like). It won't be the latest version that you get from snapd, but it should be recent enough to work. Can you describe what you mean by "The method I've always used when updating / installing it seems to no longer be used or is to be deprecated in the next few months"?

But if you do have trouble with it, yes there are plenty of other clients out there too.


Ok thanks everyone for the help.

This has resolved my problem.

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@petercooperjr Yes, Peter, Certbot can be installed without snap but only after installing EPEL:

sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y
sudo yum install -y certbot

As of this morning you get certbot v1.11.0


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