3 days ago I created 3 certificates on a server with lot’s of domain.
Yesterday I tried a renewal of one of them, but I discovered that the certificate folder changes in something like domain.com-001. This obviously make the job of renewing without editing the virtualhost file more complex.
Is there a way to force the certificate destination folder?
Did you pass the exact same domain names in the command? It shouldn’t change folder names unless you requested a different set of names for the new certificate.
Yes. It would be a different certificate. The earlier one was for “domain.com” and “www.domain.com” while the second one you requested was for “domain.com” only.
I have not seen that problem even when requesting additional names.
AFAIK it takes the first domain passed with the “-d” option and creates a folder with that name in “/etc/letsencrypt/live/”
It has always asked me if I want to replace, never just created a separate folder with the certs.