ACME python ClientV2 not able to renew a certificate without enrolling new account?

I think the issue with the acme module is that it doesn’t provide the equivalent of get_or_create_account - a flow which is supported/encouraged by ACME.

It is almost possible by using messages.NewRegistration(key=jwk.public_key(), only_return_existing=False), but acme.new_account throws a ConflictError if it actually finds an account, leaving you unable to access the regr info.

From my reading, the only way to do it is what Certbot does - serialize and save the messages.RegistrationResource that you get from a successful new_account call, and then pass it in again in ClientNetwork(account=regr, ...) on subsequent visits.

(Edit: here are the places where Certbot seems to save and load the regr, respectively:,

Maybe this is a decent issue to report to Certbot, to make the acme module more usable.

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